
Lemonade Cleanse (Day 4)

So, here I am. I've settled into a strange sort of routine these days, where I find that I wake up, wander into the kitchen, and spend 5-10 minutes slicing and squeezing limes, measuring maple syrup and cayenne pepper, and carefully pouring water from an enormous 6 L jug into my 1 L water bottle.

The cleanse is... interesting. Day 1 was okay (most likely because I didn't have work), but Day 2 was brutal. I had terrible headaches and completely lacked energy, so that evening I listened to my body and made a small cup of pasta with some grilled chicken. The next morning (Day 3), I ate a bowl of plain Cheerios (since milk is hard to digest) throughout the morning, which made me feel much better. During the day I ate some melba toast and then a cup of corn (off the cob) for dinner. I figured that I would continue this modified version of the cleanse for the rest of the days, and that hopefully it would be almost as effective.

Today (Day 4) I have not had any cravings at all! I've been drinking my mixture all day-- no cereal, no melba toast, no nothing-- and as of right now (almost 6pm), I'm not hungry! When I began the cleanse, my goal was to complete five days... because tomorrow is Day 5, I'm thinking I will probably continue and push through complete eight whole days, ending on Sunday. I've already gone through two and a half bottles of syrup (each bottle is about 8 oz) and 12 of my 30 limes. Originally I had planned for ten days, but I don't want to spend my last week in Costa Rica drinking this mixture-- especially since June 4 is my birthday!

In other news, my countdown to return home is now down to 11 days-- and I can't wait to be home. I've already begun packing-- which, for anyone who knows me, is a miraculous feat. Usually I wait until, oh, 7 hours before I'm supposed to leave to start packing. :) As always, thanks for reading, and for those of you in the USA.... see you soon!

1 comentario:

Marie Louise dijo...

Well congratulations on sticking to your cleanse - it can't be easy although I have to admit I wouldn't know. Are you coming back to the states for good? I have yet to visit Costa Rica but have looked into it as a vacation spot.
Happy birthday in advance!